My Aunt

Miss it so bad, I myself felt it feels to lose someone close to me, and most know the day-to-day habits. I lost my aunt forever. I still do not believe that, i think it was all just a dream. But it was not a dream. Fate had another said, i have to give up and trust that my aunt was gone. She was the most kind, patient, does not talk much, and she’s also the most frequently made me confused and annoyed, because sometimes she scolded. But i know she loves me.
I understand why she’s guns should call God first? why not me? I love her. She is a substitute my mother when my mother is away. She’s that keep me and my sisters, she also likes to make us smile with her funny behavior. My aunt was patient. i want to be her. I want her to know that it turned out i was very weak after he left to go. I feel lonely every time after school, she usually always present in front of his house, and see who is home. She wanted to know a lot about the development of her nephew. She wants to know anything about me. She wanted to know if i want to go, or if there are guests who come to my house any time. She is also the place where i was tell her if have a problem. She’s the best, she always gives good advice and solutions. I know she always needed me. Because she had asthma, all she wants to go. She always called me and asked me to go with him. To be honest I m still saddened by this situation. Now, after she left the house feels deserted look. i have a nephew sad especially her husband, my uncle was now so much more silent and looks sick lately.  I’m sad to see this situation. During her life she always give the best. Although he sometimes grumpy but I’m sure she loved us all. I can not think how it can still happen. I regret what has happened to my aunt.  Today I made a promise to myself, to be a better and more dutiful to parents and especially the people I care about. I promise to take care of and take care of my uncle, because he was my father. That’s what i have to do to make up for my sins to my aunt, i believe i have sinned against her. Left she always took care of the minor, and she always gives the same affection affection of my parents.
I’m definitely going to be the child you want aunty. I will fight and try to seriously learn for yourself. For you who have told me to study hard and get successes in the future. I’ll make you proud aunt. I love you. I pray that you’re calm and happy in heaven. I always pray for my every prayer. You are never forgotten for ever.

lotta love : ndn

Proses Pembuatan Bakteri

Media yang diperlukan untuk 600 ml :
-          Air steril                     600 ml
-          Gula Merah                    6 gr
-          Terasi                             3 gr
-          Air cucian beras           30cc/200 cc air
-          CaCO3                        0,15 g

Sumber Bakteri :
-          Rumput Teki ( Cyperus)
-          Rumput Axonopus
-          Rumput Grinting (Cynodon)

Cara membuat media :
            Siapkan 6 elenmeyer yang telah berisi campuran bahan media tersebut(suspense). Isi 6 elenmeyer tersebut per 100 ml, kemudian di autoclave terlebih dahulu. Sete;ah itu di shaker selama 3 hari.
Cara membuat sumber bakteri :
            10 gr sumber bakteri tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam 3 elenmyer yang diisi 100 ml air steril. Kemudian di diamkan selama 2 hari.

Setelah semua bahan selesai dibuat. Campurkan 1 ml sumber bakteri kedalam suspense media yang telah dibuat, per 6 elenmeyer. Setelah itu ambil suspensi sebanyak 20cc + 200cc air steril. Campurkan keduanya, kemudian rendam benih yang akan ditanam sesuai dengan kekuatan benih tersebut. Setelah selesai perendaman tanam benih tersebut didalam tray sesuai dengan label masing-masing. Pembuatan ini diikuti dengan kontrol sebagai penetral.

ini nih guys yang bisa kalian lakukan di laboratorium-laboratorium yang ada disekolah atau instansi yang terkait dan baik. Bakteri yang kita buat ya ini yang dinamakan pgpr :D